Cashier salary


Cashier Salary
Revenue of Cashier for 2021 ⭐️⭐️

How much does a Cashier earn per month?

The site staff has gathered for you all the information regarding the salary of a Cashier.
We used Wikipedia to find the list of professions and the network in order to find the data.
We will be happy for you to help us if the salary of a Cashier is incorrect, we will be happy for you to update us on the contact form

We divided the salary range of a Cashier into a number of key components.
On the one hand there is the beginner who is up to 5 years of experience and there is the experienced who is over 5 years of experience.

Below is the salary data of a Cashier as of 2021 as an employee and gross of course
How much does a Cashier earn per month?

job type Month salary up to 5 years experience One year salary up to 5 years experience
Cashier $4469 $53625

The monthly salary up to 5 years experience is: $4469
Salary for one year to 5 years experience is: $53625

Now let’s go a little further with the numbers and salary of Cashier
In Israel, the salary is usually different from city to city

Below average income after 5 years and by regions

job type Month salary after 5 years experience
Cashier $4469
Cashier close to center $4022
Cashier in the south $3798
Cashier in the north $3798


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